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Worms grown in soil that mimics the surface of Mars By The Sun

Two worms have been born in soil that mimics the surface of Mars — bringing colonization of the planet a step closer.
Biologist Dr. Wieger Wamelink found the creature, vital for the survival of any ecosystem, in Hawaiian soil simulant he obtained from NASA.
The find boos­ts hopes that humans may live on Mars in the 2030s. Wamelink, of Holland’s Wageningen University, said: “It was a surprise.”
NASA’s soil simulant originates from a volcano on Hawaii and Wamelink have been growing rocket in it to which worms have been added — along with pig slurry that mimics human waste.
Wamelink — whose discovery is published on the website Nature Today — said: “The worms were from my own garden!”
But he was stunned when he discovered a couple of new arrivals – that he hadn’t completely expected.
Wamelink said: “Clearly the manure stimulated growth — especially in the Mars soil simulant — and we saw the worms were active.”
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Wieger Wamelink / SWNS.com
“However the best surprise came at the end of the experiment when we found two young worms in the Mars soil simulant.”
Wamelink said: “We, therefore, ended up with pots with all possible combinations with the exception of organic matter which was added to all of the pots.”
Wamelink’s experiments are crucial in determining if people can keep themselves alive on the Red Planet by growing their own crops.

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